Avocados are currently having their moment as the health and fitness world has highlighted both their deliciousness and healthiness in recent years. Avocado toast, avocado fries, guacamole, with eggs, salads, soups, and burgers, even masquerading as a mayo substitute… there is nothing this super fruit cannot do. One universal area of struggle seems to be how to store this nutrient-dense food, as we all know they can go from rock hard to brown mush in the blink of an eye.
How to Store Ripe Avocados
If your avocado is ripe, it will have dark green to black skin and will yield when you gently squeeze it. You will also be able to remove the stem of a ripe avocado. Ripe avocados can be refrigerated for 2-3 days to maintain peak freshness. If your avocado is not quite ripe and you want to slow the process down, they can also be stored in the fridge.
How to Store an Avocado that is not yet ripe
If your avocado is hard and green, it’s not ready to be enjoyed yet. Store it on your countertop and out of direct sunlight for 4-5 days. Check for ripeness each day and to speed up the process, store in a paper bag with a banana or apple for a couple of days. Once it’s perfectly ripe it can be stored in the fridge to preserve freshness or eaten as a healthy treat.
How to Store Cut Avocados
If you commit the ultimate sin and cut into your avocado before it has ripened, there is still hope. You can sprinkle the avocado halves with lemon or lime juice, press them together and wrap in plastic wrap. Store in the fridge and check for ripeness over the next day or two. Avocados are like bananas and apples; once they encounter air, they begin to brown. If you want to save a ripe, cut avocado for later, you can also use lemon juice and wrap tightly in plastic wrap before refrigerating. It most likely won’t last longer than a day, however.
How to Make Guac
Now that you have your perfectly ripe, delicious avocado, it’s time to learn how to make guac. Yes, pairing avocados with chips or tacos may negate their healthiness, but we prefer not to think of it that way. First, cut your avocados in half lengthwise and remove the pit. Scoop out the green flesh and put it into a bowl. Add lime juice and use a fork to mash until you reach desired creaminess. Stir in finely chopped onion, cilantro, salt, and any other preferred seasonings or ingredients, such as tomatoes, peppers, or cumin. Serve immediately or cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for one day. Enjoy!
Avocados contain healthy fats and almost twenty nutrients and minerals and are good for your heart, vision, bones, digestion, and natural detoxification. Learning how to store them is the first step in maximizing their health benefits and deliciousness and is helpful in reducing avocado-related breakdowns.